Online grief support group, private individual counselling with fees. Access to online information such as podcast, reading materials, self help guides, free grief journaling workshops, and more.
Mindfulness & Grief Institut
Online grief support group, private individual counselling with fees. Access to online information such as podcast, reading materials, self help guides, free grief journaling workshops, and more.
I Wasn’t Ready to Say GoodbyeSurviving, Coping and Healing After the Sudden Death of a Loved One by Brook Noel & Pamela D Blair Ph.D.
Book on bereavement and coping after the sudden death of a loved on by Brook Noeland Pamela Blair. Available on Amazon and other book retailers.
Grieving the Loss of a Loved One by H. Norman Wright
Book on grief and bereavement by H. Norman Wright. Available on Amazon and other book retailers.
Grief’s Courageous Journey: A Workbook by Sandi Kaplan
Book on bereavement with journaling exercises and tips. Includes a comprehensive ten-session facilitator’s guide for creating a grief support group in your community. Available on Amazon.