Bridge C-14

Bridge C-14

For: those considering/pursuing Medical Aid in Dying (MAID), those supporting someone pursuing MAID, those grieving a MAID loss
Offers: 1:1 Peer support (intake form can be filled directly on the website), Drop-in sessions (1h on zoom, see schedule on the website), Facebook groups, 10-week grief support group (90min sessions, offered seasonally -see schedule on the website, currently separated between parent and spouse loss), Mouvement group sessions (2nd friday of the month), writing workshops (registrations currently closed), End of life consultants and Death doulas (email for contact), Private counselling for MAID-specific grief and bereavement support (see each provider for eligible provinces of residence, free 20-min consults, in-person sessions possible in Toronto, Waterloo and Calgary)
No cost but suggested donations for each activity (see on website), except for private counselling (after the first free 20min consult)

Association de la Sépulture Musulmane au Québe

Association de la Sépulture Musulmane au Québe

Bereavement support groups, individual support (external referral if professional psychological follow-up is required). Assists and guides Muslim individuals and families through the funeral process. Financial assistance for funeral expenses (form to be completed). Assistance in repatriating the deceased to their country of origin.